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Earlsmead Primary School

Earlsmead Primary School



At Earlsmead, we have a Safeguarding Team who work with our pupils, families and outside agencies. They also support all of the staff in ensuring we provide the best care for our pupils.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead and Pastoral Manager at Earlsmead is Ms. J Stangroom

The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Ms C Fennell.

Other members of the team include– Ms. S Redmond (Learning Mentor)

Safeguarding Supervision - Ms. B Graham (Headteacher)

All members of the Senior Leadership team are trained in Safer Recruitment.

All of the adults in our school help to keep children safe.

Comments from Our Pupils:

"The gates are locked.  Visitors have to go the the office first." 

"When we are feeling unwell or we fall over in the playground, they look after us in the welfare room." 

"As well as our teachers, we have a learning mentor that we can talk to if we have something on our mind."