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Earlsmead Primary School

Earlsmead Primary School


Spring term


In the first half term, we read 'The Errand' by Leo LeFleur. As our hook, we investigated what the words 'errand', 'emergency' and 'danger' meant and inferred what the text could be about.


In art this half term we have been learning about retrofuturistic art. We sorted images into 'types' of art and then experimented with drawing processes, choosing what tools and materials to try and how to use them.


In RE this half term our enquiry question was 'Just how important are our beliefs?'. We learnt that some people regularly fast (go without all or certain foods) as part of their religious practice. We looked at Ramadan, Kosher, Lent, Hindu vegetarianism and Yom Kippur and identified the commonalities and things that are unique about them.



This half term, we have been examining pavilions in our DT unit. We created a variety of free-standing frame constructions in our first class, each with a unique shape and size. This is what we came up with!


On Tuesday 12th March 2024, we went to London Zoo to support our learning about deforestation and endangered species. We went inside the 'Rainforest Life' exhibition, in addition to seeing the gorillas. We had so much fun!