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Earlsmead Primary School

Earlsmead Primary School


Summer term

At the beginning of the term, Meranti enjoyed showcasing their learning through their class assembly all about Vikings and our vehicle text, The Journey. The children sang and performed their lines really well - we even had a few Viking soldiers march into the assembly hall!


In Art, we have been exploring different techniques for drawing. We used charcoal as a medium to create light, shade and tone to help objects look more 3D. First, we had to create a light grey background by smearing crushed charcoal over our paper. Then, we used charcoal to create the shade and darker tones and a rubber to help create the lighter tones.  

In Science, we have been exploring states of matter and as part of that, investigated air and gases. The class got to experience first hand the presence of air and how it can move when we played 'Air Ping Pong'. Then the class studied the effects of a carbonated liquid on a small solid such as a raisin. The class were very keen to see what would happen to the raisin and if the gases present would do something to the raisin. For some, it produced some 'hair-raisin' results!  

In Computing, we have been learning about repetition in games and exploring loops, the infinite forever coding using Scratch. The children enjoyed creating their own games using repetition for different sprites in the programme.

In RE, we have been looking at why the Bible is the bestselling book in the world. The children researched, wrote notes with partners and groups and then presented their ideas about who and what has had an impact on the Bible throughout the years. We looked at different people, organisations and inventions such as the printing press!