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Earlsmead Primary School

Earlsmead Primary School


Summer term


In Summer 1, we read 'Wild is the Wind' by Grahame Baker-Smith. We explored the different settings the main characters travels to and wrote a character description. Our final outcome was to retell the story as a journey narrative. 


In DT this half term we have been learning about sculptures. We looked at the works of Barbara Hepworth, who is known for making sculptures. We drew a simple design for a three dimensional piece and then used tools (a wooden dowel) and our hands to carve, model and refine the sculpture.




In science this half term we have been learning about sound. We first explored the different ways to make sound before working in groups to design posters explaining how different sounds travels. To explore the different ways to change the pitch of sound, we created pan pipes and explained how it made high and low sounds.