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Earlsmead Primary School

Earlsmead Primary School



At Earlsmead Primary School, we welcome the support of those wishing to gain experience in a school setting.  We recognise that volunteering opportunities bring with them a range of skills and experiences that can enhance the learning opportunities, achievement and enjoyment of children at our school.  At the moment, we need more volunteers to listen to our children read for an hour or two on a regular basis.  

Our Volunteer Policy and Application Pack below outlines what we can offer volunteers during their experience at Earlsmead Primary School as well as the requirements for becoming one.  There is also an application form at the end to express an interest.


Earlsmead Primary School is committed to safeguarding pupils, young people and adults and expects its volunteers to share in that commitment.  Our expectations for all volunteers are outlined in our Volunteer Code of Conduct and Agreement on page 13 of the attached pack below.  All volunteers engaged in regulated activity are required to have an enhanced DBS check (the school can support with this if needed) and will complete safeguarding induction with the Designated Safeguarding Lead prior to starting.  We also reserve the right to complete any necessary safer recruitment checks (which could include an online search) before a volunteer commences at the school.